Behind the Mix: How Professionals Set Up Their Music Production Studios - Editors Keys
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Behind the Mix: How Professionals Set Up Their Music Production Studios

Setting up a music production studio is an exciting yet challenging task. Whether you’re just starting or refining your setup, understanding how professionals approach their studio spaces can make ...
Why Every Audio Producer Needs an Editing Keyboard: A Complete Breakdown - Editors Keys
Audio Editing

Why Every Audio Producer Needs an Editing Keyboard: A Complete Breakdown

As an audio producer, efficiency is everything. Whether you’re laying down a fresh track, mixing vocals, or fine-tuning the perfect sound, your time matters. That’s where a shortcut editing keyboar...
Deity Microphones PR-2 Recorder - Editors Keys
Audio Editing

Deity Microphones PR-2 Recorder

We've been big fans of Deity microphones for a while here at Editors Keys! We've used them on our cameras for our own reviews and for our on-location shoots as well, we think they're brilliant. So ...
Top 5 Plugins for Ableton 2023 - Editors Keys

Top 5 Plugins for Ableton 2023

In today's blog we're going to be delving into the top 5 plugins for Ableton Live. Ableton being up there with Logic Pro and Pro Tools in the upper echelons of music production DAWs, you're going t...
TOP 5 PLUGINS for LOGIC PRO - Editors Keys
Audio Editing


Logic Pro is one of the most popular DAWs on the marketplace today, and it's no surprise really - Logic Pro features a wide arsenal of super useful and great sounding effects/processors that help t...