Editors Keys Blog

adobe premiere pro cc
How to easily record voice over in Adobe Premiere Pro CC
If you want to know how to record the perfect voice over within Adobe Premiere Pro CC this is a great video to watch. We ...

adobe premiere pro cc
Hidden Adobe Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts - EP4/5 Editors Essentials
If you're new to Adobe Premiere, learning the Adobe Premiere Pro CC Keyboard shortcuts can really speed up and accelerate your editing speeds.
In this week's episode of 'Editors Essentials' with Pr...

video editing
Best External Hard Drive for Video Editing - EP2 Editors Essentials
Wondering what the 'best external hard drive for video editing' is?
We've got our friend Premiere Gal to run over the differences between HDD and SSD drives to tell you what's best when you start...

video editing
Editors Essentials Ep1 - Best Computer for Video Editing
If you're starting out in video production for the first time, this is the video series for you! You'll learn what is the 'Best Computer for Video Editing'
We've got Premiere Gal to give us her bes...

adobe premiere pro cc
Video Editing Media Management & Workflow Tips - EP3 Editors Essentials
In Episode 3 of Editors Essentials with Premiere Gal, we take a look at some great video editing media management and workflow tips.
Having a good workflow is the key to successful video editing. I...

Recording Session: Top 5 Vocal Tips To Prepare For A Recording Session
You've finished your all-time music lessons and now it's for your recording session. Apparently, many students and newbies get nervous just right before a recording session. But it's not about whet...

Audio Editing
New Rekordbox Keyboard Shortcut Covers | Out now for MacBook Pro
Great news if you love to DJ with Pioneers Rekordbox... We've just launched a brand new Rekordbox shortcut cover for your MacBook Pro.
This keyboard cover has to be one of our most requested keyboa...

Editors Tees Now Available - Cool T-Shirts
A great new range of Editors Tee's - T-Shirts and Hoodies with you in mind. You have to see these!
Click here to view more.

Audio Editing
How to Choose the Best Guitar, Factors to Consider According to Science
How to Choose the Best Guitar, Factors to Consider According to Sciencehttps://beginnerguitarhq.com/best-guitar/This is a guest post by Ray Beck.Navigating the surfeit of guitars available at your ...